Agroforestry – The forgotten superpower of international development!
Agroforestry Network with its partners are proud to organise a seminar about agroforestry during the political week in Almedalen, Visby. During the seminar, experts in agroforestry and development will discuss why agroforestry is not given adequate resources even though this land management practise is an effective tool for both poverty alleviation and climate change mitigation.
If you are interested in international development, environmental issues or agriculture, this is an event you can’t miss!
Where: Donnersgatan 6, “Sverige i Världen”, Visby
When: 5 July, 11:00-11:45
Moderator: Johan Kuylenstierna, Director at Stockholm Environment Institute
Presentations by:
• Anders Malmer, Professor and Director at SLU Global, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
• Henrik Brundin, Deputy CEO, Vi Agroforestry
• Anders Malmer, Professor and Director at SLU Global, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
• Henrik Brundin, Deputy CEO, Vi Agroforestry
• Eva Eriksson, Sustainability Manager, Löfbergs Lila
• Ulrika Modéer, State Secretary to the Minister for International Development Cooperation Isabella Lövin
The seminar will be in Swedish.