Institutional arrangements for climate-smart landscapes By Susan W. Wambugu, Susan W. Chomba, Joanes Atela Tagged with: Case studies, Climate change, Institutional arrangements, Institutional benchmarks
Exploring the Meso-level of Agricultural Carbon Finance Projects By Rattan Lal, Bal Ram Singh, Dismas L. Mwaseba, David Kraybill, David O. Hansen, Lars Olav Eik Tagged with: Agricultural carbon, Carbon credits, Carbon markets, Carbon sequestration, Climate change, Community organizations, Intermediary organizations, Local governance
Forests working as rainwater harvesting systems By Anders Malmer, Ulrik Ilstedt, Jennie Barron Tagged with: Burkina Faso, Degaded forest, Ecosystem services, Infiltration, Livelihoods, Miombo, Soil management, Transpiration, Water use
Forest Cover and Global Water Governance By Anders Malmer. David Scott, Jianchu Xu, Raffaele Vignola, Jonas Ardö Tagged with: Climate change, Drought, Flood control, Green water, Modeling, PES, REDD, Trees, Water quality, Water supply, Water use