An Assessment of the VSL Model in Enhancing Food Security in Sembabule District. A case study of selected SCC-VI groups of Mijwala and Sembabule Town Council
The study was about an assessment of the VSL model in enhancing food security in sembabule district A case study of selected SCC-Vi groups of Mijwala and sembabule town council. The report sets out findings of the study to answer three specific research questions; To what extent is the VSL model working in enhancing food security amongst sembabule district farmers?, What challenges are facing by the VSL model in enhancing food security?, What are the appropriate strategies that should be taken to address the challenges faced by the VSL model?
The researcher used the following methods to solicit information; Questionnaires, Interviews and Observation. The researcher consolidated data that was collected and then computer based analysis was employed in data entry and analyzing the findings of the research. SPSS was employed in the analysis of quantitative data from where descriptive statistics was applied to generate frequency tables.
The project (SCC-Vi) a Swedish NGO implements the VSL model in partnership with the groups on the ground. Despite the fact that there are great achievements that this model has brought to the VSL group members, the study discovered that there are also a number of challenges that the model has faced in addressing food security among the members. Some of these were; high interest rates, drought, shorter loan periods, shorter saving cycle, security of the safe box and others.
Therefore, because of these challenges, the study came up with a number of recommendations on how to improve this model so that it fully addresses food security challenges among the VSL member’s household. Some of the recommendations included; need for more sensitization, need for more trainings on microfinance management, prolonging the saving cycle from 1 year to 2 years, extend the loan repayment period from 3 months to 6 months, reduction of interest rates, support from government and others.
Masiga, M. (2014). An Assessment of the VSL Model in Enhancing Food Security in Sembabule District. A case study of selected SCC-VI groups of Mijwala and Sembabule Town Council. Master’s Thesis. Institute of Ethics and Development Studies. Uganda Martyrs University.