Drivers and Barriers for Solar Home Systems (SHS) in rural communities
This study explores the Drivers and Barriers for Solar Home Systems (SHSs) in Kyerwa, Tanzania from the villagers’ perspective. It was conducted in cooperation with the swedish NGO Vi Agroforestry, who supported the field visits. Preparations were made in Sweden during Jan-March 2014, and the field study in Kyerwa, Kagera region was executed in April-May 2014. The study was mainly qualitative and the central data was received from 30 semi-structured interviews with villagers in Kyerwa district.
For the design and analysis of the study, the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and a Socio-technical perspective was used. The main drivers for SHSs were found to be improved economy, increased study opportunities for children and improved indoor environment from cutting out kerosene use. On the other hand, the main barrier for further spreading was the up-front cost of the SHS. Furthermore, though awareness of SHS is high, the lack of marketing of SHSs acts as another barrier. Most SHSs in the area show good technical performance, but lack of user maintenance might jeopardize this in the future. Lastly, villagers requested SHSs sold on a payment plan, as this would enable the investment for many.
Liljefors, P. & Sahlin, J. (2014). Drivers and Barriers for Solar Home Systems (SHS) in rural communities. Bachelor’s Thesis. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.