Milk production in dairy cows and goats – a case study in the Nyando district in South-Western Kenya

Published on December 8, 2011 | Author: Lina Wallberg

Water is an essential factor for both people and animals, and access to water is therefore of great importance. The water access also largely determines the availability of food for people and feed for animals. The aim of this study was to survey the affect of water access on milk production from dairy animals.

The study included nineteen farm visits that were made in the Nyando district in Kenya between February and Mars 2011. Farm visits included interviews with questions about for example number of dairy animals, milk production, water access, feed and water routines. Visual and practical measurements were performed. The selected farms represented both cow and goat keepers with exotic breed, local breed and crossbred animals. Water access differed between the farms. Some had unlimited access to water while others had restricted access. Milk production differed between breeds and between farms because of diverse conditions.

The study indicated that people in general have little knowledge about the physiology of their animals and that the animals receive what is available not what they actually require, sometimes they get more and sometimes they get less. People in the Nyando district and others in the same situation are in need of more food and water, both for themselves and their animals. By increased information, knowledge and better technique it would be possible to increase the milk production and through that generate more food and improved living conditions for people.
Wallberg, L. (2011). Milk production in dairy cows and goats – a case study in the Nyando district in South-Western Kenya. Bachelor’s Thesis. Department of Animal Nutrition and Management. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Uppsala.
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