The effect of a Plan Vivo-certification on farmers ́ opportunities for business development
The purpose of this study is to investigate farmers’ perspective on a Plan Vivo-certification with particular focus on business development and opportunities that derive of it. Previous studies show different views regarding the effects of certification on farmers but many of them tend to focus on livelihoods. However, this study highlights the farmers’ perspective on a Plan Vivo-certification as well as opportunites for business development which many studies have not taken into consideration before.
Literature and empirical findings show that an agroforestry certification can contribute to opportunities for business development. The Plan Vivo-standard is a framework that benefits the livelihood of farmers, where they are compensated for local ecosystem services. An analytical framework was developed, based on entreprenurship theory, to investigate farmers’ perspective on business development in the context of the Plan Vivo certification scheme in East Africa.
The case study was conducted in Kagera, Tanzania where five Plan Vivo-certified farmers were interviewed. An important conclusion is that the interviewed farmers experienced opportunities for business development from the Plan Vivo-certification. The identified opportunities due to the certification were classified in four categories that include entrepreneurial competencies, social network, financing, risk management and diversification.
Johansson, S., Norberg, O. & Nzobonimpa, J-C. (2017). The effect of a Plan Vivo-certification on farmers´ opportunities for business development. Bachelor’s Thesis. Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Available here in Swedish.