Cultivating Nature – A study of land use and Fairtrade coffee farming in Costa Rica By Miron M. Arljung Tagged with: Agriculture, Coffee, conservation, Cooperative, Costa Rica, Environment, Land sharing, Land sparing, Land use, Organic, Sustainable
Land-use intensification and agroforestry in the Kenyan highland: Impacts on soil microbial community composition and functional capacity By Jan Lagerlöf, Lena Adolfsson, Gunnar Börjesson, Knut Ehlers, Glòria Palarès Vinyoles, Ingvar Sundh Tagged with: Agriculture, Biolog EcoPlate(TM), Forest plantation, PLFA, Soil C, Soil nutrients
Carbon Intensification and Poverty Reduction in Kenya: Lessons from the Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project By Timm Tennigkeit, Katalin Solymosi, Matthias Seebauer, Bo Lager Tagged with: Agriculture, Carbon, Climate change, Emissions, Finance, Greenhouse gas, Kenya, Mitigation, Resilience, Sequestration, Sustainable management
Empowering a local community to address climate risks and food insecurity in Lower Nyando, Kenya By Chris Macoloo, John Recha, Maren Radeny, James Kinyangi Tagged with: Agriculture, Climate, Development, Drought, Erosion, Water management
Elusive Promises of the Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project By Shefali Sharma, Steve Suppan Tagged with: Agriculture, Climate change, Environment, Markets
Growing a Future in Africa: Livelihoods of Small Holder Farmers with HIV in Uganda By Jocelyn N. Cook Tagged with: Agriculture, HIV/AIDS, Income Generation, Livelihood, Nutrition, Self-reliance, Training