Enclosures in West Pokot, Kenya: Transforming land, livestock and livelihoods in drylands By Gert Nyberg et al. Tagged with: Agro-pastoralism, Enclosure, Intensification, Kenya, Land use, Livelihood, Livestock, Transformation
Water, forests, people – building resilient landscapes By Lotta Samuelson, Klas Bengtsson, Thorsten Celander, Olof Johansson, Linnea Jägrud, Anders Malmer, Eskil Mattsson, Nicolai Schaaf, Ola Svending, Anna Tengberg Tagged with: degraded landscapes, Environmental sustainability, Livelihood, SDGs, Sustainable forest management
Water, forests, people – building resilient landscapes By Lotta Samuelson, Klas Bengtsson, Thorsten Celander, Olof Johansson, Linnea Jägrud, Anders Malmer, Eskil Mattsson, Nicolai Schaaf, Ola Svending, Anna Tengberg Tagged with: degraded landscapes, Environmental sustainability, Livelihood, SDGs, Sustainable forest management
Promoting evergreen agriculture among secondary schools in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya By Miriam N. Kyule , Ochieng J. J. J. Konyango , Agnes O. Nkurumwa Tagged with: Agroforestry, ASAL, Conservation agriculture, Land degradation, Land reclamation, Livelihood, Pastoralism
Linking Vi- Agroforestry Data with the Triple L Initiative By Isabel J.A. Ochieng, Vera Karmebäck Tagged with: degraded landscapes, Livelihood, Livelihood survey, Pastoralism, Triple L
Mapping the Relationship of Inter-Village Variation in Agroforestry Tree Survival with Social and Ecological Characteristics: The Case of the Vi Agroforestry Project, Mara Region, Tanzania By Karl-Erik Johansson, Robert Axelsson, Ngolia Kimanzu Tagged with: Adaptation, Adoption, Agro-ecological resilience, Dissemination, Livelihood, Poverty alleviation, Sustainable development
The role of rural finance in improving livelihoods of small scale farmers: A case study of SCC-Viagroforestry’s ‘Community Saving and Empowerment’ project in Nyando District, Kenya By Racheal W. Mutua Tagged with: Assessment, Financial services, Livelihood, Nyando district, Poverty, Trading, Village savings and loans, VSLA
How trees and people can co-adapt to climate change By Meine Van Noordwijk, Minh Ha Hoang, Henry Neufeldt, Ingrid Öborn, Thomas Yatich Tagged with: Agroforestry, Forest management, Global change, Livelihood, Multi functionality, Rural development, Trees sustain life, Variable landscapes