Agroforestry for adaption and mitigation to climate change By Agroforestry Network Tagged with: Carbon sequestration, Ecosystem services, Resilience, SDG13, SDG2
Agroforestry and Migration By Agroforestry Network, Agroforestry Sverige, Focali, NIRAS, SIANI, SLU Global, SwedBio & Vi-skogen Tagged with: Knowledge transfer, Migration, Remittances, Resilience, Tenure rights
Barriers and bridges for introducing agroforestry and community-based forestry among food insecure households in eastern Africa By Karl-Erik Johansson Tagged with: Civil society, Food insecurity, Landscape approach, Multi-level governance, Negotiation, Policy narrative, Poverty reduction, Resilience, Social learning, Stakeholder collaboration, Sustainable livelihood, Technology adoption and scaling up
Sustainable Agriculture Land Management – A Training Manual By Amos Wekesa & Madeleine Jönsson Tagged with: Agroforestry, Resilience, SALM, Training manual, Vi Agroforestry
Carbon Intensification and Poverty Reduction in Kenya: Lessons from the Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project By Timm Tennigkeit, Katalin Solymosi, Matthias Seebauer, Bo Lager Tagged with: Agriculture, Carbon, Climate change, Emissions, Finance, Greenhouse gas, Kenya, Mitigation, Resilience, Sequestration, Sustainable management