Elisabeth Simelton
Elisabeth Simelton is a climate-change scientist at World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), based in Hanoi since 2010. She holds a PhD in geography and BA in International Education and has a genuine interdisciplinary experience through global climate-change impact studies on food security and crop-modelling to developing farmer-centered agro-climatic information services. Currently, she is a project leader of three research studies under the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security that are being implemented in Viet Nam, Lao PDR, Cambodia and the Philippines. This work includes managing one of the seven ‘climate-smart village’ projects in Southeast Asia. Her main research interest is in innovating participatory tools for interacting with smallholder farming communities and agricultural extension services, mixing qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as developing policy guidelines for adaptation and mitigation.
Her work includes over 30 scientific peer-reviewed publications, including Nature Scientific Reviews and Food Security, which have been widely cited, including in reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In addition, she has produced numerous training materials, participatory methods and other material related to environmental services, climate adaptation and agricultural insurance that are used by universities and research and development organisations globally. She is an avid blogger and trainer/facilitator. Dr Simelton has over 20 years of experience in Southeast and East Asia (10 years in Viet Nam, 5 in China), southern Africa, and Europe (Spain, Sweden, UK), where she has worked with universities, United Nations agencies and the CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future.
Johanna Björklund
Johanna Björklund is associate professor in environmental science at the School of Science and Technology at Örebro University. She has here research interests in new systems of multifunctional agriculture and the use of ecosystem services as management tools in such systems. She has coordinated a Swedish Participatory Learning and Action Research (PLAR) project conducting research and development of Swedish agroforestry system. Methods for multi-criteria assessments of ecosystem services in agro-ecosystem are within the field of her work. She is the Swedish representative in the general assembly of EURAF (European Agroforestry Federation) and a board member of the newly establish organisation Agroforestry Sweden. Part of her time she is dedicated to education as responsible for the Culinary Arts and Ecology program at Örebro University.
Hanna Sinare
Hanna Sinare works at Stockholm Resilience Centre and is a member of Focali. She holds a PhD in Natural Resources Management from Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. Her research is focused on the multiple benefits people obtain from ecosystem services in village landscapes in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. Agroforestry systems are dominant in these landscapes. Hanna is currently working within the GRAID programme (Guidance for Resilience in the Anthropocene: Investments for development) with synthesis of resilience research in the Sahel as a knowledge base for development interventions.
gert nyberg
Gert Nyberg is a researcher and research coordinator at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. His main fields of research are Agroforestry and Restoration of Degraded Lands, mainly in Eastern Africa. Gert is a soil scientist and works with the dynamics of carbon, nutrients and water in soil-plant systems in applied agriculture and agroforestry systems. He coordinated the Triple L Research Initiative (Land, Livestock and Livelihood), which is a multidisciplinary research initiative between several Swedish Universities, several Kenyan Universities, International research organisations, Vi Agroforestry and local policy makers and stakeholders. He has practical experience from agroforestry and restoration development work in East Africa and has previously been working with Vi Agroforestry.