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Save the date: Open seminar on Landscape, Water and Climate

Published on August 5, 2020 | Author: Agroforestry Network
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Agroforestry Network, SIWI SWH and partners invite to a seminar highlighting the opportunities with landscape restoration for climate, biodiversity and sustainable economic development.

To read the new policy brief from Agroforestry Network on Agroforestry and Water for Resilient Landscapes, please click here!

Safe access to clean water in right quantities is becoming more and more of a challenge, globally as well as in Sweden. Landscape restoration can increase water safety at the same time as it brings about many other advantages for people and environment. Welcome to our seminar where we will highlight the opportunities with restoring landscapes for water, climate and biodiversity, as well as achieving sustainable economic development for local communities, businesses and the overall society.

Changes in climate, with longer periods of drought and more extreme rainfall puts pressure on water-related ecosystem services that are the precondition for safe and sustainable production of food and many other resources. These services are furthermore important to cut carbon dioxide emissions and to adapt to the climate change. 2021 the “UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration” will start off, and will among other things lift the importance of restoration of ecosystems to reach the global sustainability goals. In this work we as Swedish actors can contribute!

With this in mind we now invite you to a one-day seminar where we will highlight how we can make use of landscape restoration and management of productive landscapes. Landscapes with long-term productive and lucrative agriculture, industries and towns are dependant on hydrology and water flows. How can we improve the integration of water in policies and administrative strategies? Who is responsible? Who knows which measures and methods of preparation will benefit water flows and sustainable production? Which national and international means of control can regulate this? What knowledge do we have in Sweden that can be useful to share to other parts of the world? What knowledge from other parts of the world can we learn from in the new Swedish landscape?

Number of seats limited.



Lars Laestadius, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Izabella Koziell, International Water Management Institute
Aida Bargues Tobella, Focali, SLU and World Agroforestry

More speakers to join, from government agencies, companies and organisations.


SIWI Swedish Water House
Agroforestry Network

Christopher Wekesa Khisa with wife Christine and son Gravan. Christopher belongs to a youth group outside Kitale, Kenya, and has received education through Vi Agroforestry in sustainable farming, agroforestry and different irrigation systems.
Photo: Malin von Strauss, Vi Agroforestry.