Scaling up agroforestry – policy brief launch
Are you a development practitioner, policymaker or researcher engaging in sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, rural livelihoods or perhaps food security? Would you like to learn about how agroforestry as a method could be scaled up? Welcome to the launch of a new policy brief by Agroforestry Network.
Date: 12 December 2022, 14.00-15.00 CET
Recording: A recording of the policy brief launch can be found here.
14.00 opening remarks
14.05 presentation of the policy brief
14.15 panel discussion about the brief
14.45 questions from the audience
15.00 end of event
- Elaine Springgay, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN, FAO
- Judit Csikvári, European Agroforestry Federation, EURAF
- Elisabeth Simelton, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida
- Emilie Molin, Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation
- Sara Furenhed, Swedish Board of Agriculture
- Linnéa Pasquier, main author of the policy brief, Agroforestry Sweden
Moderator: Charlotta Szczepanowski, Vi Agroforestry
The policy brief in short:
Agroforestry can provide solutions for increasingly urgent challenges posed by climate change, biodiversity loss, food insecurity, and other global issues, as well as improve ecosystem services, local economies and rural livelihoods. The brief focuses on opportunities, barriers and actions for spreading agroforestry systems more widely. In addition, the brief provides recommended actions to support the upscaling of agroforestry.
Read the full policy brief here

Agroforestry Network – a platform for international agroforestry practise, based in Sweden. Members of the network are Vi Agroforestry/Vi-skogen, World Agroforestry, SLU Global – part of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative SIANI, SwedBio – a programme at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Agroforestry Sweden, the forest, climate and livelihood research network FOCALI, NIRAS Development Consulting, and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
For questions about the event, please contact Åsa Ljusenius
More about the panelists:

Elaine Springgay, Agroforestry Officer, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN, FAO
Elaine Springgay has more than 12 years of experience working in international development on integrated natural resources management, community-based forest management and climate-smart agriculture. Prior to joining FAO in 2015, Elaine worked with NGOs or government agencies in Canada, Ghana, the Philippines and Uganda. She has a BSc in both Environmental Geography and History, and a Master’s degree in Forestry.

Judit Csikvári, Board President, European Agroforestry Federation, EURAF
Judit Csikvári is an organic farmer from Hungary, her farm is a diverse agroforestry system on a traditional landscape. She has a degree in cultural anthropology, and has worked both in the social and the market research sector. Judit joined EURAF convinced that rethinking and reshaping agriculture and land use practices is crucial for a healthy ecosystem and for a healthy society. Since 2022, Judit has led the Board of EURAF as President.

Elisabeth Simelton, PhD, Senior Policy Specialist in agriculture and food security, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida
Elisabeth Simelton is a Senior Policy Specialist on agriculture and food security at Sida’s Policy Support Unit. She holds a PhD in Geography and has long experience as climate adaptation scientist at World Agroforestry (ICRAF).

Emilie Molin, Head of section, Division for forest and climate, Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation
Emilie Molin has a forestry background with a M.Sc Forestry sciences from the Swedish university of Agricultural Sciences and experiences from sustainability management in the national forest sector. She is now a civil servant forest policy expert at the ministry, with focus on climate and energy.

Sara Furenhed, Advisor extension service organic horticultural production, Swedish Board of Agriculture
Sara Furenhed holds a Master of Science in horticulture. She is employed at the Swedish Board of Agriculture since more than ten years, and she has been working with agroforestry since 2016.

Linnéa Pasquier, Board member of Agroforestry Sweden, MSc student in Sustainable Food Systems at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Linnéa did an internship and worked as a consultant for Vi Agroforestry in 2021. During that time, she wrote the policy brief Scaling up Agroforestry and developed a proposal for a biodiversity accounting methodology at farm level. Linnéa is also a board member of the association Agroforestry Sweden and co-funder of their policy initiative.