Seminar: Biodiversity and development
Earlier this year a number of Swedish development and environmental organisations initiated a new network – Green Aid Network – to acknowledge the role of environmental issues in development cooperation. In the end of May the network will organise its first activity: a workshop on the topic of biodiversity and development cooperation. The virtual workshop will be held during two half-days with the aim to:
- Form a knowledge base of how biodiversity affects development cooperation.
- Create a common understanding of how development organisations can influence and advocate for a sustainable development regarding biodiversity.
All seminars are free of charge and will be held in english, except the last seminar on Thursday 28.
A link to the seminars will be available shortly…
Wednesday May 27, 09:00-12:00
The first day will give an introduction to the biodiversity concept and why it should be considered in development cooperation.
9:00 – 9:15 Introduction – Purpose and outline of the webinars.
Göran Eklöf, WWF.
Marcus Lundstedt, We Effect.
9:15 – 10:15 What is biodiversity…and why does it matter for people?
Torbjörn Ebenhard, Swedish Biodiversity Centre.
Maria Schultz, WWF Sweden.
10:30 – 11:30 Key issues, themes and principles – experiences from CSO:s
Malin Gustafsson, Vi Agroforestry.
Sara Fröcklin, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
Samuel Munck, The Tenure Facility.
Gloria Jimwaga, Afrikagrupperna.
11:30 – 12:00 Biodiversity in Swedish development cooperation
Ulrika Åkesson, Sida
Sandra Ågren, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Thursday May 28, 09:00-12:00
The second day will focus on advocacy possibilities and strategies to include biodiversity in development cooperation.
9:00 – 9:15 Introduction
Karin Lexén, The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
9:15 – 09:50 The Right to a Healthy and Sustainable Environment: The Time is Now!
Dr. David Boyd, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment.
Matilda Månsson, Coordinator International Affairs at the Sami Parliment.
10:00 – 10:50 International negotiations on biodiversity – key aspects for a strong framework for the Convention on Biodiversity for the environment and people.
Charlotta Sörqvist, Ministry of Environment.
Nonette Royo, The Tenure Facility.
Gustaf Zachrisson, The Youth Biodiversity Network.
Moderator: Karin Lexén, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
11:00 – 11:50 Business, human rights, and biodiversity – how are they interlinked and what are the main concerns?
Maria Rydlund, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation..
Phil Bloomer, Business Center for Human Rights.
Ulrika Lyckman, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
12:00 – 12:30 The future of aid: Will biodiversity become a central theme in the coming decades’ Development Cooperation?
Ulrika Modéer, UNDP.
Karin Lexén, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
Moderator: Eva Åberg, Vi Agroforestry.